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Medium Friends

What Size Is Medium?

What defines a medium-sized dog? It depends on who you ask. Small dog breeds tend to go up to about 20 pounds. Large dog breeds begin around 60 pounds. Some organizations break down dog sizes into detailed groups (e.g., extra-small, small, small-medium, medium, medium-large, large, extra-large, and giant). To keep it simple, let us look at popular breeds that fall between small and large. These breeds will range in average size from about 25 to 55 pounds.

Because of this wide weight range, medium-sized dogs make up a large portion of the dog breeds out there. Those who prefer medium-sized dogs love that they are small enough to fit in smaller spaces but large enough to play like a "big dog."

There are also some potential advantages to having a medium-sized dog. They are not underfoot and fragile like some small dogs. Yet they often have longer lifespans and fewer orthopedic issues than large dogs.

No two dogs are exactly the same. A dog breed should not be the only deciding factor when choosing a dog. While the breed can give you a general idea of what to expect, it is also important to consider the individual dog personality, temperament, energy level, and trainability.

Have you got your heart set on a medium-sized dog? Fortunately, there are a great number of popular and beloved medium-sized dog breeds to choose from.

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